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Islamic Centre of Britain

In the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim AS

It is said that one night Prophet Ibrahim AS experienced a dream, in which Allah SWT told him to sacrifice Prophet Isma’il AS, his beloved son. At first, Prophet Ibrahim AS believed this was the devil playing tricks on him and he immediately disregarded it. However, the following night, the same dream occurred again commanding In the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim AS

Lessons on Self-Purification

During the month of Ramadan, Mohammed Ramzan Dabbagh – Project Director of the Islamic Centre of Britain shared lessons on Self-Purification on Islam Channel. Self-Purification, also known as Tazkiyah-e-Nafs helps an individual identify their major and minor sins and systematically improve oneself over the course of a 30 day cycle.  You can now watch the Lessons on Self-Purification

Planning Permission Granted

After a great team effort, Qadria Trust were granted full planning permission from Birmingham City Council to build the whole complex of the Islamic Centre of Britain (ICOB) in December 2020. This is a great achievement for our local community and the future generations it will endeavour to serve. ICOB is a landmark project. Therefore, Planning Permission Granted