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Islamic Centre of Britain

What is the Islamic Centre of Britain?

Islamic Centre of Britain (ICOB) is a grand vision of Pir Tayyab Ur Rahman of Qadria Trust. ICOB is an ambitious project of Qadria Trust, a UK registered charity, based in Birmingham (UK). Qadria Trust has been providing many services in the community since 2005. With its expanding services, we look forward to establishing a What is the Islamic Centre of Britain?

Qurbani in the Month of Dhul Hijjah

The Qurbani of our Prophet Muhammad PBUH This is the Qurbani we still practice today, every Eid-ul-Adha and it is important for us to make our intentions sincere and to keep in mind the rich history behind Qurbani. Our heritage should be valuable to us, as shown by the Prophet PBUH. The family of Prophet Qurbani in the Month of Dhul Hijjah

Hajj: The Pilgrimage of Lifetime

Many who have travelled from distant lands on this journey, will come back to their family and friends announcing with great joy and excitement that “it was indeed a journey of a lifetime!” As the journey begins to the holyland of Makkah, a Muslim will make the intention of Hajj and ensuring they know which Hajj: The Pilgrimage of Lifetime